
List of Publications – 1999

  1. ABAELU, A.M., OWUMI, C.J., AOEOYE, A. O., & OLUKOYA, D.K. (1993). Antibacterial action of Bridelia Ferruginea extract and its effect on mice liver mitrochondrial Electron transport. Journal of Science and Research Development, Vol (1) No.1:85-93.
  2. ADEIGAA.A., R. 0. AKINOSHO, J. ONYEWUCHE (1994) Evaluation of immune response infacts with different nutritional status: Vaccinated against Tuberculosis, Measles and Poliomyelitis J. Tropi- cal Pediatrics40:345-50
  3. AFOLABI, B.M., EKANEM, E.E., SODEINDE, 0., RANDLE, S (1994). Home, Traditional and other remedies in childhood Diarrhoea in Coastal Nigeria. Nig. J. Paed. Suppi.. 12:122@ 123.11.
  4. AGBABIAKA, A., ANIMASHAUN, T. ADEMIDUN,, 0., OLUKOYA, D. K,, BELLO, C.S.S. & ODUGBEMI, TOLU (1993). Antimicrobial suseep@ tibility of Neisseria species in Lagos, Nigeria Nigerian medical Journal 24 (2): 50-53.
  5. AHMED 0., AGOMO P.U. OLUKOYA D. K. ESAN G.J.F. (1993) The prevalence of ABO blood group antigens and antibodies in Lagos- Stat, Afr.,, J. Med. Sci. 22 49-53.
  6. DAINI A. 0. OLUKOYA D.K. & OGUNJIMI A.A (1994). Genetic Analysis of Tetracycline-Resistani Plasmids in Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli Iso- lated from Patients in Nigeria Journal of Diarrhoea[ Diseases Research 12 (4) 1-5
  7. DAINI C. A., OLUKOYA, D.K., ARINRIMISI, E.011 & ODUGBEMI, T. (1993). Characterization of the tetracycline resistance determinant from’ enteropathogenic Escherichia coli plasmids p. 1479. African Journal of Medicine & Medical Sciences. 22 (2): 39 – 41
  8. EBIGWEI, 1. & OLUKOYA, D. K. (1993). Drug resistance and plamids of Bacillus isolated from locally fermented foods. African Journal of Medicine & Medical Sciences. 22(2): 13-17.
  9. EBIGWEI S. 1… CBI. C.L. & COKER A. 0. (1993). The effect of temperature, pH and Sodium chloride on the growth rate of Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli. Disc. lnnov 5(1); 41-43.
  10. IDIGBE, E. 0., JOHN, E.K.O., DABIRI, C., OKOYE, R, NWAOBU, R.A.U., ONUBOGU, C. AND BEGG, 0. (1993). Profile of respiratory opportunists infectons associated with AIDIHIV infection in Lagos, Nigeria. Nig. J. Med. Res. Hith. Sci 1(l): 11-18
    11, IDIGBE, E. 0., NASIDI, A., ANYIWO, C.E., ONUBOGU, C., ALABI, S. A., OKOYE, R., UGWU, 0. AND JOHN, E.K.O. (1994). Prevalence of Human lmmunodeficiency Virus (HIV) antibodies in Tuberculosis patents in Lagos, Nigeda. J. Trop. Med. Hyg. 97:91-97.
  11. IDIGBF=, E. 0., SOFOLA, T.O., JOHN, E.K.O., OKOYE, R., ONUBOGU, C. BEGG, 0. AbiD GIWA-AMU, J. (1994). The Trend of pulmonary tuberculosis in Lagos, Nigeria; 1982-1992. Bio- medical Letters (Cambridge) 13(3): 71-83.
  12. NIEMOGHA, M. T., OLUKOYA, D. K. & COKER, A. 0 (1995). Inhibition of bacterial pathogens by local isolates of lactobacilli. Nigerian Medical Journal. Vol 27(1) 1-5
  13. NIEMOGHA, M. T., OLUKOYA, D.K. & COKER, A.0. (1994). lnhibiflon of bacterial pathogens by local isolates of lactobaciiii. Nigerian Medical Journal. vol 27(1) 1-5.
  14. OLADIPO, N: A., OLUKOYA D.K., & ODUNFA, S. A., (1994) Plasmid profiles of Bacteriocin – Producing Lactobacillus isolates form Afdcan Fer- mented Foods, Folio Microbiology 39:(3) 181-183.
  15. OLUKOYA, D.K., ESIGWEI, S., OLADIPO, N.A. & OGUNJIMI, A. (1994). Production of Dogik: An improved Ogi (Nigerian Fermented weaning Food) with potentials for use in Diarrhoea control. Jour- nal of tropical Pediatries. 40: 108-113.
  16. OLUKOYA, D. K., TICHACZEK, P, S., BUTSCH, A., VOGPL, R.F. 7 HAMMES, W.P. (1993). Char- acterizabons of the bacteriocins produced by Lac- tobacillus pentosus DK 7 isolated from Ogi and Lactobacillus plantarum DK9 from Fufu Chemie Mikcrobiologic Technologie der Lebensmittel (Food Chemistry Microbiology Technology) 15.. (314) 65- 68.
  17. OLUKOYA, D.K., IDIKA N. & TOLU ODUGBEMI (1993). Antimicrobial activity of some local medi- cine herbs. Journal of Ethnopharmacoloqv 39 (1)
  18. OLUKOYA, D.K. (1993). Lactobacillus in human health with reference to locally t%rmented foods. Nigerian Medical Journal 24(l): 28-30.
  19. OLUKOYA, D.K. ESIGWEI, S., ADEBAWO, 0. & OSIYEMI, F. (1993). Plasmid Profiles and Antibi- obc Susceptibility patterns of Lactobacillus Isolated form Fermented Foods in Nigeria. Journal of Food Microbiology 10(4): 179-285.
  20. OLUKOYA, D. K., DAINI, 0. & NIEMOGHA, T., (1 993). Preliminary Epidemiological Studies on Tet- racyciine Resistant Plasmids Isolated from Enteric Bacteria in Nigeria. Tropical and Geographical Medicine. 45(3): 117 – ’20.
  21. UKO G.P. GRIFFITHS M., DAWKINS RL; Cobain T,. Mohammed 1.. Hedoc.. Okafor G; Urnotong A.S. lgG2 associated hypergammaglobuhivemia in some Nigerians with HIV infection. Afr. J. Med. Sci. 23:385-389 (1994).